October 24, 2024
RMSHC Partners Present at Upcoming Events
Firm Partner, Melanie Szuba Appleby, is looking forward to instructing on behalf of the New Jersey Planning Officials (NJPO) at the League of Municipalities in November. Ms. Appleby has been an instructor for NJPO for the past six years and regularly teaches part of the mandatory class for new Zoning and Planning Board members, which is designed to assist new land use board members when hearing applications and making determinations. This year at the League, Ms. Appleby is part of a panel instructing Municipal Land Use Law and requirements related to proofs when seeking variance relief.
Firm Partner, Jean L. Cipriani, will be speaking at the 109th Annual Conference of the League of Municipalities on behalf of both the Institute of Local Government Attorneys and the League itself. In conjunction with League Deputy General Counsel, Trishka Waterbury Cecil, Ms. Cipriani will be presenting the Newly Elected Officials Primer on Ethics and The Powers & Duties of the Governing Body and The Open Public Meetings Act: Slippery Slopes and Tricky Issues.
To schedule a consultation with one of our firm’s experienced attorneys, please contact our office at 732-363-0777.